Hey Fella's , I know it's been almost a decade since I wrote last time. Anyhow, to me, yes, it seems like one!
Occupied by Seminars and Apti's and yeah a bit of travelling, my mind on the verge of un stability most of the time, It was an impossible task back then and obviously I didn't feel like disappointing my readers and thereby pen down anything just for the sake of it. Yeah okay, Enough excuses I guess.
Well, I have an interesting activity for you , Try and Recall how did you feel, when you got your first Job?
Or, when your name was listed in an exam result you least expected of?
Or, the priceless smile on your innocent face when out of all the fellow students, someone points at you saying, "Damn, you did it!" ;)

I'm lucky enough to be able to experience these exceptionally beautiful happy moments! :)
Everyone has his/her own day, I got mine for now! ;)
A kick start to my career and boundless emotions attached to it, what a day that was. Feels awesome.
Ty everyone who prayed for me and I ask for happiness multiplied for all of you!
Love you heaps, mates! :)
fabulous post :D